Yaxha-Nakum-Naranjo National Park

Enjoy an unparalleled experience visiting four monumental Mayan cities over 1,000 years old that marked the Mayan geopolitical history of the region. Strategically located on the shores of impressive lagoons and rivers, the cities of Yaxha, Nakum, Naranjo, and Topoxte controlled river trade between the eastern lowlands and Belize during the Classic (250-900 AD) and Postclassic (900-1697 AD) periods. . Yaxha-Nakum-Naranjo National Park contains 288 other archaeological sites, six of intermediate size and 282 minor sites.
The Yaxha-Nakum-Naranjo National Park is an area of exceptional natural beauty that allows you to enjoy the exuberant tropical jungle, home to a great diversity of plants and animals, as well as unparalleled landscapes where its lagoons, seasonal rivers, and waterways stand out. and pools.
Water is one of the most valuable resources in this Park. Apart from the lagoons, the Park is crossed by the seasonal Holmul, Ixtinto and Yaxha rivers and, in addition, rainwater is stored in its waters and pools. The aguadas are depressions in the limestone soil that retain water from the rainy season for approximately four months. There are natural and other artificial waters that were built by the Mayans during pre-Hispanic times.


We are a protected area, core area of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, which preserves the cultural and natural heritage, favoring local sustainable development schemes for the benefit of present and future generations.


In 10 years, Yaxhá, Nakúm, Naranjo will be positioned as a diversified destination of an ecotourism circuit at national and international level, based on archeology and nature, in a sustainable, competitive and participative way that contributes to preserving the cultural, spiritual and natural value of the area , And benefits local communities through environmental education and economic alternatives, in coordination with all public and private institutional stakeholders. ...

More historical facts:

The Yaxha National Park is located in the northeast part of the Petén department, in the municipalities of Flores and Melchor de Mencos. It was the capital of an extensive territory that dominated the northeastern part of Petén, although it had very strong links with the city of Tikal, Caracol in Belize, and Calakmul in Mexico. It has monumental clusters with pyramidal temples, Acropolis, twin pyramids complexes, commemorative complexes, Ball Games, palaces and domestic residential complexes.

The Park has an extension of 37,760 hectares. It hosts various cities, being Topoxte, Nakum and Naranjo the main ones, after Yaxhá. These cities played a very important role in the social and political organization of the central lowlands for more than 1,500 years. It is possible to visit the Yaxhá, Topoxte, and Nakum, Yaxhá being the most accessible, and from where you can start the visit to the park.

The park is also a refuge that allows to appreciate a balanced combination of biodiversity and pre-Hispanic cultural heritage. Due to the presence of impressive lagoons and wetlands that are part of the main migratory bird routes, the park has been recognized as a wetland of global importance (RAMSAR). The lagoons of Yaxhá and Sacnab can be observed from the top of several archaeological monuments, giving the area a unique landscape beauty. GEOPOSITION

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National park full of flora, fauna, archeology, nature and much more.

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