TOPOXTE, an intriguing city located on a small island, with stelae and small altars.

Located on the largest of the islands in the extreme southwest of the Yaxha lagoon, Topoxte, which means ramón tree, is the only site that shows monumental architecture from the Postclassic period (900-1450 AD), when all the sites of the area had been abandoned. It is estimated that between 1150 and 1200 AD, some migrant communities, with political affiliations to the Yucatan Peninsula, settled permanently in this city.

The entire urban complex of the island is organized in terraces on which no less than 100 platforms were built that supported ceremonial, administrative and residential buildings of the elite. In the ceremonial sector of the Island of Topoxte, located in the highest part of it and characterized by stelae and small altars, important burials have been found. The residences of the common people were distributed in the lower sectors of the island, where there were also several docks. Due to these unique characteristics, the island is considered a reliquary of the ancestors.


Topoxte is accessible by boat throughout the year. The boat service is provided by the Community Association for Integral Development Los Tulipanes de Yaxha.

To visit Topoxte it is essential that you be accompanied by a guide (we recommend hiring the services of the Association of Guides of the Tourist Community of Yaxha). The boat ride from Yaxha Pier to Topoxte takes 15 minutes, and you need an hour to go around the entire site.


Bring comfortable clothes and shoes. To avoid mosquito bites, we recommend bringing cool, long-sleeved clothing.

Insect repellent is very important for a pleasant stay.

The sun at noon is quite strong, we recommend that you bring sunscreen and a hat.

The region is humid so it never hurts to wear a waterproof layer.

If you go camping you must bring all your equipment: tent, sleeping bags, water and other implements (at the moment the Park does not rent equipment).

Inside the archaeological sites there are no sales of any kind, we recommend you bring your drinks and food. Remember to deposit the garbage in the appropriate containers, or better yet, take it to the nearest city.

In Yaxha there is a nursing post that provides first aid, but if you require special medications or if you are going to visit another of the archaeological sites in the Park, we recommend that you bring a basic first aid kit and the medicines you should take.


Guided tour of the archaeological site

Boat tour from Yaxha

Observation of flora and fauna

Crocodile observation

Other Parks


-Sanitary services.

-Rest benches

-Roofed rest ranch

-Signposted trails

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Yaxha Nakum-Naranjo